Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Day

Today I had a decent day besides the fact that my girlfriend is acting like she can run shit in the relationship like I have to do everything that she tells me to do. Which is not going to happen. I just hate it when people think that they can control others by being aggressive. If you just ask me kndly to do something, 9 times out of 10 I will do it. But telling me that i have to do something doesnt fly. Well besides that I had a good day. My new born baby niece Jayde Leah Giuffrida came home from the hospital today. She is so adorable. I cant wait for her to get older and be able to talk. I love kids, I cant wait to have one of my own. Ofcourse not anytime soon but hopefully in my near future. Im trying to hold off till after college but I dontn want to be really old when my child is a teenager because I want to be able to do things with my children and not be all old and stuff. It will come eventually. The store did good today, a lot of people are showing support and thats great. Tell your friends. Giuffridas Lunch Stop is where its at. But we had a surprisingly good day even though its only Tuesday. We are going to blow up big one day and move on to bigger and better things. I cant wait for that day. Wellt thats how my day was. Tomorrow is school at 8. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I hate mornings but it takes money to get money. You digg?

Monday, January 25, 2010


My name is Matthew William Foster. I got my name because my mom was all about naming her children after people in the bible. My brothers name is James, so they called us the biblical brothers. My middle name came from my grandfather because his middle name was William. R.I.P. Paupy. My last name is my dads name he is from Johnstown, Pennsylvania. I was born and raised in York City, Woo Hoo. My plans are to become a business owner someday and make millions of dollars! I've always wanted to own a business ever since I was in 6th grade because I never liked people telling me what to do. Then when I was a little older and I joined the work force and that sealed the deal on me wanting to be my own boss.