Wednesday, February 3, 2010


For starters the question is if marijuana should be legalized? There are so many different views on this subject but it all boils down to if marijuana should be legalized or if it shouldn't be legalized. What do you think? For some people it helps them to cope with their chronic pain or their anxiety. For others it can just be a recreational activity to help to ease life's daily stresses. What is it for you? Think of some different ideas that you can contribute towards the legalization of marijuana. The comments to this blog will help tremendously to the efforts of many that are trying to legalize this beautiful plant. Feel free to give suggestions and voice your views, even if they disagree with mine.


  1. people are going to smoke it anyways so they might as while legalize it. im not saying im for mariquana but people do what they want no matter what the law is

  2. An enormous amount of money is raised through the governments taxation of alcohol and cigs. The legalization of marijuana would create another tax resource. Many people consider the war on drugs an expensive failure. These tax dollars would be better spent else were.

  3. I think the only reason it isn't legal is because the government can't find a way to tax it. I don't know what my views are, they're good and bad.

  4. Dude it should be legal because the government is not allowed to regulate any substances harmful to the people. If we went by the constitution then government would be a whole lot better.
